Arcone – Bootstrap 5 & Laravel 8 Admin Dashboard Template + HTML Version


Arcone is a HTML admin dashboard starter kit with Bootstrap 5 integration. You can use several layout options as well as a Bootstrap 5 components. We have designed the project structure as simple as possible for use in a production level project.

The template is carefully designed to fit various kinds of device screens. It comes with a few unique pages and various kinds of components which can help you to build Admin Applications quickly. In the meantime, you can focus to develop your project without much work on creating basic templates and components.


  • Laravel 8
  • Bootstrap 5+
  • Authentication
  • Utility API Based
  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • SASS Powered
  • Modular JS & CSS Code
  • Webpack Compiler with Laravel Mix
  • 100+ HTML5 Templates
  • 3 Menu Variants
  • 3 Form Wizard Layouts
  • 3 Blog Layouts
  • 2 Pricing Layouts
  • 2 Invoice Layouts
  • 3 FAQ Layouts
  • Unique Login Page
  • Unique Register Page
  • Unique Error Page
  • Update Profile Page
  • Change Password Page
  • 3 Users Layouts
  • 3 Profile Settings Layouts
  • Post News Applications
  • Inbox Applications
  • File Manager Applications
  • Chat Applications
  • POS Applications
  • CRUD Applications
  • Regular & Datatable Grid
  • Accordion Components
  • Button Components
  • Modal Components
  • Alert Components
  • Progressbar Components
  • Tooltip Components
  • Dropdown Components
  • Toast Components
  • Typography Components
  • Tons of Icon
  • Regular Form
  • Datepicker Components
  • Tom-select Components
  • Dropzone Components
  • Sumernote Editor Components
  • Validation Form Components
  • Chart Widget
  • Slider Widget
  • Image Zoom Widget
  • Addon Utilities and Helper Classes
  • FREE Lifetime Updates
  • And much more..

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